Covid Vaccine-dentists are doing their bit and so is Complete Dentistry!
At Complete Dentistry, we've been going all the way through the pandemic, not stopping for a day to make sure we looked after our patients. During the first lockdown, that was over the phone and hands-on in the Urgent Dental Care Centre at the RAH.
Since dental surgeries were allowed to open again in June 2020, we've been doing our best to make sure you've been looked after back at your own practice.
From Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board newsletter:
"The roll out of the Covid vaccination programme is going well throughout NHS GG&C. A number of colleagues, some pictured below, have already been into the Louisa Jordan to assist with vaccination programme"
I'm really proud that dentistry is involved in this critical part of helping us recover out of the Covid pandemic with dentists from Complete Dentistry already involved with more to follow.
Spot anybody you know?........Proud to say our own Simon Kidd was right in there. Well done Simon!!!
Who might end up getting your 'jab' in the arm from one of us instead of the usual one in your mouth.