Nov 15, 2023

November is 'Mouth Cancer Month'

Post by 
Mr. Abdul Haleem

November is 'Mouth Cancer Month'.

In case you need reminding, the reason why all the dentists give you a 'neck massage', check the 'skin' of your mouth and get you to say 'Aaaah' while trying to make you gag, this is why!

We are looking for any unexplained lumps and bumps or any ulcers that haven't healed within 2-3 weeks. If you have any of these and need to be checked, please call us.

Statistically I was told when I graduated in 1990 to expect to see 1 oral cancer in my whole practicing lifetime; I have personally seen at least 9. Many more have been picked up within the practice.

This is part of the reason why we may ask you questions about your general medical health, any medications you take, your level of alcohol intake and whether you smoke. There is an increased risk of oral cancer in smokers or heavy drinkers and the risk is increased if you are both.

This is all part of the examination that we carry out for you and that's before you look at your gums and teeth!

You may have heard in the media about the change in dental services and the frequency in your 'check ups'. Don't worry.....we have risk assessed our patients for a long time to tailor and personalise your check up frequency. Many will still be every six months but some, as they have been for some time already, may be extended to 12 months.

However, if any time you have a problem or are concerned about anything, just like now JUST CALL US.....we are here to help.

Abdul & The Team

General Dental CouncilNHS Greater Glasgow & ClydeAssociation of Dental ImplantologyChildsmile