She joined the practice in 2000 and since that time, Claire has worked in partnership with our dentists to help patients establish an oral hygiene regime to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Her goal as a hygienist is to help ensure patients are educated so they can make informed choices for their oral care. Her delivery is empathetic to the individual needs of each patient and always served with a slice of humour!
In 2016 her interest in educating future Dental Care Professionals was furthered by taking a part-time post as a Tutor for Dental Nurses at New College Lanarkshire. Following this, Claire graduated from Stirling University with a Bsc in Teaching Qualification for Adult Education in 2019.
Claire continues to widen her knowledge and skills with a variety of professional development courses that are patient-care focused which complements the high standard we expect of the team at Complete Dentistry.
Away from the dental world, Claire enjoys walking with her four-legged friends and makes frequent visits to her hometown. She enjoys traveling, especially if it’s on water!